Jesus chose one man to heal physically at the pool of Bethesda. But Jesus went on to tell him that he should go on and sin no more. How? In the power of the Spirit. And forgiveness of sins and the power of the Spirit is available to all who believe in Jesus. June 12, […]
Genuine Faith – John 4:43-54
What is genuine faith in Jesus? What does it look like? The Bible gives clear answers to these questions that go beyond mere curiosity in spiritual things. Sunday; June 5, 2022 – PM Service
Believe – John 4:43-54
Some people are curious about religion, or they’re interested in understanding who Jesus was. Some people will go to church because they think there’s something there to make them feel better. But this is not true faith in Jesus. In our passage of study we see people like that. But we also see people who […]
The Way of Faith – John 4:39-42
God uses believers in Jesus to witness, to testify of Christ in leading people to faith in Him. God also uses the Word and it’s the Word of God people need most for their faith to be properly placed in Jesus and Him alone. Sunday; May 29, 2022 – AM Service
Soul Satisfying Food – John 4:31-38
Jesus has been spiritually nourished by pointing the woman at the well to her need for living water. Jesus was serving God the Father as He served to meet the needs of this woman. Then he pointed the disciples to the spiritual nourishment that’s available to them, and all followers of Christ as we serve […]
Spiritual Food – John 4:31-38
Jesus had been revealing himself as the Messiah personally to one, spiritually needy woman. When the disciples return He’s not thinking of the food they brought back, He’s still thinking about the spiritual nourishment for the soul that comes from serving the Lord for God’s glory. Sunday; May 22, 2022 – AM Service