“All of us would be wiser if we would resolve never to put people down, except on our prayer lists.” D. A. Carson, A Call to Spiritual Reformation: Priorities from Paul and His Prayers, pg. 29
A Call to Spiritual Reformation
Reading… A Call to Spiritual Reformation: Priorities from Paul and His Prayers by D. A. Carson
Watch your words
My wife, Carolyn, has been getting into the blogging swing of things lately. Today she links to recent transcripts and audio from Nancy Leigh DeMoss on the Power of Words.
Things that really matter
My brother Ken’s piece this week is more than a nicely told story, it’s a call to fathers everywhere to make time for your family before it’s too late.
Where was God September 11, 2001?
The John Piper interview on Desiring God Radio today is well worth listening to as we remember the tragic loss of so many just five short years ago. One question asked of John Piper was “have you prayed for the salvation of Osama Bin Laden.” His answer is one that may challenge the prayer life […]
We will never forget 9/11
Michelle Malkin points to the 2,996 Project which is commemorating today each and every one of the victims of 9/11 on this fifth anniversary with over 3,000 bloggers participating.
Ohio State – a strong No. 1
The Buckeye’s showed up strong in Texas last night–they looked really good with the one exception Kevin Jr. mentions.
Teach the Bible
NeverThirsty.org issues A Call: Teach The Bible. “Some churches have heard the alarms and have responded. Not everyone is interested in the solid teaching of scripture, but not everyone wants to know God either. What type of church should we look for? We should look for pastors and teachers who teach the Bible and who […]