Reading The Best of Vance Havner1 this morning, his thoughts struck a common cord I’ve been challenged with lately, one I think more ministers of the Gospel should heed–especially myself. Vance Havner says… “I am convinced that if the devil can’t make us lazy, he will make us so busy here and there that the […]
An all-american diet
Great story–“Michigan Dad Loses 230 Pounds to Enlist in Army” (from)
Dave Ramsey says ditch debt
The New York Times has a piece today on Dave Ramsey. He’s serious about debt free living and doles out down to earth financial advice with a little marriage counseling mixed in when needed. His book Total Money Makeover is a worthwhile read and if you can’t find his weekday radio program locally you can […]
View from my study
Here’s the view from my study today. It’s a beautiful November 1 here in Northern Michigan.
Texas Pastor Electrocuted During Baptism
Al Mohler shares the details about Pastor Kyle Lake, electrocuted yesterday during a baptism service. Pray for Kyle’s young family and University Baptist Church of Waco, Texas.
New SCOTUS nominee
Michelle Malkin has the rundown on the President’s replacement SCOTUS nominee: “IT’S SAMUEL ALITO“. Update: Hugh Hewitt wants your opinion.
Reasons to listen
Following my previous post on why pastors should become better listeners I now point you to John Piper’s recent, valuable piece on “Ten Reasons to Listen to Questions Before You Answer”. Here’s a quick summary: It is arrogant to answer before you hear. It is rude to answer a half-asked question. Not answering a question […]
Leaving the church good for some Christians?
ThinkChristian points to Barna’s new book and a recent article about Christians leaving the church and notes they’re “claiming that leaving the church is actually helping them become more dedicated followers of Christ.” Can leaving the church actually be good for some Christians? Is this really where the church is headed? Will Christians truly grow […]