Kevin A. Pierpont Higgins Lake Baptist Church 5/22/05 We’ve been discussing over the last few weeks the ingredients of contentment that we find here in Philippians 4. There are a few choice ingredients that will be present in the life of a believer who is content. We noted in verse 10 that the contented believer […]
Living Above Circumstances – Philippians 4:12
As the story goes, a monk joined a monastery and took a vow of silence. After the first 10 years his superior called him in and asked, “Do you have anything to say?”
Satisfaction With God’s Provision – Philippians 4:11
Kevin A. Pierpont Higgins Lake Baptist Church 5/8/05 We began discussing last week the recipe for contentment. We noted that to know contentment in the Christian life we’re going to have to have complete confidence in God’s power. That’s what we called, during our last study, the first ingredient to contentment—really it’s the foundation to […]
Confidence in God’s Power – Philippians 4:10
Kevin A. Pierpont Higgins Lake Baptist Church 5/1/05 We come today to a new theme introduced by Paul that I think you can see clearly as you read Philippians 4:10-19. The theme that he brings to the attention of the Philippian believers in the next few verses is contentment. We are just leaving the section […]
Right Living – Philippians 4:9
Kevin A. Pierpont Higgins Lake Baptist Church 4/24/05 My brother Ken wrote this not too long ago: Pastor Chen spent eighteen years in a prison work camp in China. Because he came from a background of moderate wealth and opportunity the guards at the camp worked hard to break his spirit and indoctrinate him. He […]
Tawas Point Lighthouse
A couple of Saturdays ago we took a quick trip to the Tawas Point Lighthouse. We’ll be going back sometime when it’s open so we can go to the top for the view.
Right Thinking – Philippians 4:8
For several weeks now in our study in Philippians we have been talking about standing fast in the Lord. In the first verse of chapter four we are told to “stand fast in the Lord.” It is important for followers of Christ to be steadfast, mature and spiritually stable. If we are going to be […]
The Cure for Worry – Philippians 4:6-7
Have you ever had a problem with worry? Or should I say, do you have a problem with worry? It’s easy to worry, isn’t it? When Lincoln was on his way to Washington to be inaugurated, he spent some time in New York with Horace Greeley and told him an anecdote which was meant to […]