For several weeks now in our study in Philippians we have been talking about standing fast in the Lord. In the first verse of chapter four we are told to “stand fast in the Lord.” It is important for followers of Christ to be steadfast, mature and spiritually stable. If we are going to be […]
The Cure for Worry – Philippians 4:6-7
Have you ever had a problem with worry? Or should I say, do you have a problem with worry? It’s easy to worry, isn’t it? When Lincoln was on his way to Washington to be inaugurated, he spent some time in New York with Horace Greeley and told him an anecdote which was meant to […]
Gentleness Known – Philippians 4:5
Kevin A. Pierpont Higgins Lake Baptist Church 4/3/05 This week most of us probably witnessed the death of Terri Schiavo played out in the media. It seems that there is a great division over this issue of whether it was justice or injustice to allow Terri to die. It is very hard to understand when […]
Carolyn and Josiah
Carolyn and Josiah Josiah is smiling – really.
How to Keep Your Joy – John 16:22
John 16:22 Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you. We’ve been studying for several months in our Sunday morning worship hour the book of Philippians. But I want to bring your attention to this passage in John […]
How to Rejoice, Philippians 4:4
Last week we looked at the importance of standing fast by pursuing peace in our relationships with other believers. We saw the situation between two women who were not at peace with one another and realized the importance of pursuing peace with others in order to stand fast in the Lord. This morning we’ll be […]
Pursue Peace – Philippians 4:2-3
Stand fast – that’s what we saw last week in verse 1 of Philippians 4. Paul says… Philippians 4:1 Therefore, my beloved and longed-for brethren, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, beloved. As followers of Christ we are to be steadfast. We ought to be pictures of stability to the world […]
Stand Fast – Philippians 4:1
Kevin A. Pierpont Higgins Lake Baptist Church 2/27/05 Of being steadfast it has been said that… There aren’t any hard-and-fast rules for getting ahead in the world—just hard ones. Let me share a few more quotes with you that may teach us a thing or two about being steadfast. It’s been said that “In order […]