Joshua Claybourn points us to President George W. Bush’s “amazingly thorough and convincing case” for action against Iraq.
Onward Christian Soldiers (Part II)
Martin Roth quotes Major General Tim Cross of the British Army who answers the question: in war, whose side is God on? Too often we expect God to be on our side. But that is not the real issue. It is not a matter of whose side God is on in warfare, or any other […]
Not Just On 9-11
By Kenneth F. Pierpont September 11, 2002 (Kenneth F. Pierpont is Kevin’s father, has pastored for over 40 years, and now pastors with Kevin at Jonesville Baptist Church.) This morning and through the day, our television sets have given us many opportunities to hear about and relive the awful events of last year, this day. […]
Lest We Forget
Shortly after the 11th last September I hung a flag from a pole on our house. It was something I’d been meaning to do but it took a wake-up call like the attacks on our country to light the fire in me. Soon my children were making flags and hanging them around the house. We […]
Onward Christian Soldiers
Martin Roth poses the question “Can you really be a soldier and a true Christian?” He concludes his article with the following statement; A year ago, on September 11, Todd Beamer, knew that. He knew that it was more wrong not to fight terrorists, and so he prayed the 23rd Psalm and then probably helped […]
I’m Still a Believer
By Kenneth L. Pierpont (Ken is Kevin’s older brother amd contributes reagulary here. For more of his great writing be sure to check out If you know me you know I like to tell happy stories about good things. I like to tell stories of love and goodness. I make excuses for celebrations every […]
Let Your Light Shine
In the next few days we’ll be hearing and seeing many things in the news about the events of September 11, 2001. There will be many memorial services and times of reflection. I want to reflect for a moment and share with you a quote from Christin Ditchfield. She wrote this in an article for […]
How To Keep The Church Alive – Until Jesus Comes!
By: Maynard H. Belt State Representative Michigan Association of Regular Baptist Churches We all were on pins and needles recently when the news came of the nine miners who were trapped 240 feet underground for 77 hours, in a Pennsylvania coal-mine. My father, for a brief time as a young boy, worked in the coal […]