If you say you are a believer in Jesus then you should be following Jesus. And the Bible gives us examples from the life of Jesus that we can follow. Do you see growing evidence in your life that you are a believer in and follower of Jesus? August 7, 2022 – PM Service
Believe In Him – John 6:28-29
When people have faulty beliefs about Jesus they’ll be looking for at wrong ways to or even make their own ways to be right with God. Jesus makes it clear in the passage before us that there is no work to do to be right with God, but one must believe in Him. August 7, […]
What Jesus Gives – John 6:27
It’s possible to be too easily enamored by the things that you can collect and accomplish in this life while missing all that Jesus gives for here and eternity when you put your faith in Him. July 24, 2022 – PM Service
Food That Endures – John 6:22-27
Are your affections misplaced? Are you only concerned with today, today’s food, today’s needs, and what Jesus can do for you today? Or have you trusted your life to Jesus and are you making knowing Him, and living for Him your highest aim on earth? July 24, 2022 – AM Service
Do Not Be Afraid – John 6:15-21
When it comes to determining the strength of your faith in Jesus there may be no better way than looking at where your faith was during your last life storm. Jesus wanted the disciples to put their full faith in Him and this passage reminds us to do the same. July 17, 2022 – AM […]
Seeing and Not Believing – John 6:1-14
Why did people flock to Jesus? Was it because they saw Him as the Messiah, the one who would save them from their sins? As we enter John 6 we find that great crowds of people were attracted to follow Jesus wherever He went because of His miracles. They saw the miracles and wanted more, […]
Glory That Comes From The Only God – John 5:39-44
If you only search for the approval of man and fail to believe in Jesus and devote your life to living for Christ you’ll miss and not be seeking “the glory that comes from the only God” (John 5:44). What is this glory? July 3, 2022 – PM Service
You Do Not Believe – John 5:30-47
There’s a danger in seeking the praise of men. There’s a danger in looking only for the approval of man. That danger is that you will be tempted to pursue only that which is temporal in this life and fail to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. July 3, 2022 – […]