Jesus had been revealing himself as the Messiah personally to one, spiritually needy woman. When the disciples return He’s not thinking of the food they brought back, He’s still thinking about the spiritual nourishment for the soul that comes from serving the Lord for God’s glory. Sunday; May 22, 2022 – AM Service
Repent and Believe – John 4:27-30
Is repentance necessary when coming to faith in Jesus? Is it enough to simply believe in Him? Or should repentance be evident in the life of one who professes faith in Christ? The testimony of God’s Word is that repentance is necessary. Listen as we examine what the Bible says about repentance. May 15, 2022 […]
The Christ – John 4:27-30
Are you surprised at how Jesus works? Don’t be. Jesus was willing to wait for the woman at the well, he was patient with her, he was gentle with her, and he made time for this one woman whom many others had written off. And Jesus did this to offer to her the living water. […]
True Worship – John 4:20-26
What is true worship? It may not be what we often label as worship. From the Old and New Testaments, we learn what true worship is. Sunday; May 8, 2022 – PM
Your Deepest Need – John 4:1-26
What do you think is your deepest need? We might all have a different answer until we look carefully at the encounter the woman at the well had with Jesus. The deepest need for all mankind is the one only Jesus can meet. He gives living water. Sunday; May 8, 2022 – AM
The Witness of Jesus – John 4:1-26
If we will learn from the witness of Jesus we’ll find His example of seeking the lost and pointing them to the Gospel the best kind of training in evangelism there is.
Living Water – John 4:1-26
What the woman at the well needed is what we all need. For forgiveness of sins and real life we need life-giving water. We need living water. This woman couldn’t quench her own thirst, thirst for happiness, and joy. She needed the indwelling work of the Holy Spirit for that. She needed Jesus for that, […]
Decreasing Disciples – John 3:22-36
Will you say with John the Baptist, “He must increase, but I must decrease”? It will take humility. A humility that shows itself in a total yielding to God’s will, a recognition that any success in ministry you see is not your own, a joy that’s found in Jesus being magnified.