When people see your life does it point them to Jesus, do they actually get to see the One who gives eternal life, or do they only see you?
Whoever Believes – John 3:16-21
The message for us from this passage at Easter and every other day of the year is that God loves sinners so much that He sent His one and only Son, to live a sinless life, to go to the cross for our sins, and to die for them, and to be buried and then […]
The Suffering of the Shepherd
Good Friday Service at Cedar Hill Baptist Church, Cleveland, Ohio…
Because He Was Lifted Up – John 3:14-15
There are powerful truths shown us in the Bible that remind us of all that’s true for every person who looks to Jesus Christ in faith. These are truths that exist because Jesus willingly went to the cross and they are true for all who believe in Him.
Look To Jesus – John 3:9-15
Nicodemus didn’t understand it when he first enquired of Jesus but it wasn’t more religion he needed. What he needed was to believe in Jesus. It’s the problem every sinner has. It’s not being better, kinder, or more religious that makes you right with God. What makes you right with God is believing in Jesus.
Evidence of Being Born Again – John 3:1-8
How can you know you have been born again? The Bible gives clear instruction to believers pointing to the evidence that will be apparent in the lives of believers in Jesus, people who are born again.
Born of The Spirit – John 3:1-8
Nicodemus and all of mankind need to know that you cannot be right with God based on who you are or what you’ve done. You cannot make yourself right with God on your own terms. Being born again is completely a work of God. Your responsibility is to repent and believe in Jesus.
Born Again – John 3:1-4
One thing is clear when you begin reading John chapter 3. It’s clear that Jesus knows just what you need. We see it in the exchange with Nicodemus. Jesus knows just what Nicodemus needed, and he knows that because he knows what’s in the heart of man. What was it he needed?