What’s in a name? Simon would receive a new name from Jesus but it wasn’t for something he was at the time but for something he would become as he learned to trust and follow the Lord Jesus Christ. It was a name he would need to learn to live up to.
Lamb of God – Part 2 – John 1:35-42
What happens in the life of a believer when they place their faith in Jesus? Does anything change for people who believe in Jesus? We’ll see the answer to that in John 1:35-42.
Learning of God From the Lamb – John 1:29-34
When you read the Bible it’s important to read with a heart that wants to learn. One question, among many, to ask as you read the Bible is “What can I learn about God from this passage?” Let’s ask that of the passage as we learn of God from the Lamb.
Lamb of God – Part 1 – John 1:29-34
Throughout Israel’s history, God repeatedly made it clear that sin and separation from Him could only be removed by blood sacrifices and that the lamb used for the sacrifice had to be spotless. John shows us that Jesus is the spotless, sinless Lamb of God.
Keep Growing – 2 Peter 3:15-18
The church is a guardian of the truth, and every believer in Jesus is to be so saturated with Scripture that we are each guardians of the truth who are always growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Christ – John 1:19-28 – Part 2
The role of John the Baptist was to point to Jesus; to shine the light on The Christ, the anointed One, the Messiah who had been sent by God the Father to forgive the sins and save all who believe in Him. That is now the role of God’s true church in the world today. […]
The Christ – John 1:19-28 – Part 1
The Apostle John is writing this Gospel so that we will believe in Jesus, and keep believing in Jesus. He’s also helping us see that our witness to the watching world must also, always be, about Jesus.
The Day of the Lord – 2 Peter 3:10-14
Believers in Jesus can take comfort in the fact that God is sovereign and He is in control of this world. But believers are also to take seriously their responsibility to live for the glory of God this side of eternity. Believers are to be ready, living in light of the Lord’s return and coming […]