The fullness of God is in the Son and the fullness of the Son is in all people who believe in the Son. And salvation is full and complete through faith in Jesus alone because Jesus is the Son of God, God the Son.
Jesus Is Coming – 2 Peter 3:1-9
Jesus is coming again! It’s a fact. We have in these first 9 verses of 2 Peter 3 reassuring words for all who are in Christ and sobering words for anyone tempted to reject Jesus. There are people who scoff and reject the idea that He will return, and that He will judge, but the […]
The Light – John 1:4-13 – Part 2
Jesus, the Light, came to give forgiveness of sins and life everlasting to all who believe in His name. You have all this evidence and every reason to believe in Jesus as Savior and Lord. You also have all this evidence and every reason to live your life so that it points to Jesus, the […]
False Freedom – 2 Peter 2:10-22
Peter warns that false teachers will face the judgment of God. He also describes false teachers so that believers in Jesus can be on guard.
The Light – John 1:4-13 – Part 1
Darkness is overcome by the light. Light conquers darkness. Darkness will never overcome light. Light means life, and Jesus the light means life for those who believe in His name.
Coming Judgement – 2 Peter 2:1-10
The church is not immune to false teachers. We must make every effort then, to keep ourselves rooted and grounded in the Word of God lest we lose our stability and be carried away in error.
The Word – John 1:1-3
Today if you are a follower of Jesus you need to remember every day that you serve the risen Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord. What He accomplished by His birth, His death on the cross, and by His resurrection was possible because He was the Word made flesh.
A Shining Star – Matthew 2:1-12
Should God not return or call you home for another twenty years where will you be found? Will you be found following the same truths of God’s Word, living by the same standard of God’s Word, and still pointing people like a shining star to Jesus? We can learn from the star that lead the […]