God’s people need constant reminders of His precious and very great promises. In 2 Peter 1:1-4 we find four such promises that will feed and grow your faith in Jesus.
Contend for the Faith (Part 2) – Jude 1:1-4
You need to contend for the faith for the sake of your own daily walk with Christ. You need to be on your guard. Follow your Master and Lord, your Savior, Jesus Christ. We find out how in Jude 1:1-4.
Contend for the Faith (Part 1) – Jude 1:1-4
Believers in Jesus need to contend for the faith for the sake of their own daily walk with Christ. The temptation to compromise the truth of God’s Word is ever-present. But if you will keep humbling yourself before the Word of God daily, following your Master and Savior, Jesus Christ, you will be strengthened with […]
Remember Whose You Are and Be Content – Philippians 4:20-23
There is joy and contentment for believers in Jesus who treasure God’s grace, who bask in and drink in and enjoy God’s unmerited favor because of the finished work of Jesus for sinners. Saints in Christ learn contentment when they remember whose they are and learn to treasure God’s grace.
The Holy Spirit Another Helper
Believers in Jesus are not left to their own failing wisdom and failing strength to understand and obey God’s Word. The Helper, the Holy Spirit lives in the believer to help them understand, illuminating the truth of God’s Word in the heart and mind of the believer in Jesus.
Learning Contentment In Giving and Receiving – Philippians 4:14-19
The Bible calls believers in Jesus to be generous givers and those who learn to give from the heart find the contentment that only God can give. When it comes to your giving, what God desires of you above all is that you give with the right motives. And when you do, then you will […]
The Holy Spirit Filling the Believer
The filling of the Holy Spirit will change your life. When the Holy Spirit controls you because you aren’t quenching and resisting His control, He will not leave you unchanged. And that will be for your good and for His glory.
Content in The Strength of Christ – Philippians 4:13
You will only have contentment when you rely on the all-sufficient Christ to give you His strength as you obey Him in the face of difficulty, even when your strength is all gone.