Sixteen college-age adults, five adults on a work crew from Ohio, and nine more adult volunteers.
These are the workers here for the week laboring alongside the resident missionary staff on these ninety degree days.
Some are staining the East Side Chapel.
Some are installing new windows in the same building.
Some are helping in the West Side Dining Hall kitchen.
Some are cutting dead limbs and trees near buildings and roads.
Some will be cleaning tomorrow if it rains or staining if it doesn’t.
Some are finishing a roof on a staff home that’s being renovated.
Some repaired the roof of the program center that was damaged from a tree fall.
All thirty are giving themselves sacrificially for the sake of the work we ask God to continue to do in the lives of all who come here as campers or volunteers.
These people are all a blessing from God and so are you. Thank you for your faithful prayers and support.