Hello Friends, Carolyn here.
Winter is a busy season for us at Barakel.
During the week we prepare for our guests. There are lodges and cabins to clean, food to prepare, snow to plow and shovel, plus a variety of other things to be done to get ready for weekend winter retreats.
The weekends are joyfully busy and pass quickly.
We will be hosting the last of our winter retreats this coming weekend.
Winter can seem like a long season in northern Michigan but it seems like our retreat season has gone by fast.
It’s been a reminder to me that we only have a certain number of days ordained by God on this earth and how easy it is not to make the best use of our time for God’s glory.
A good prayer to help us be mindful of our days and how fleeting they are is found in Psalm 90:12.
“So teach us to number our days
that we may get a heart of wisdom.”
Thank you for your gracious support that enables us to serve at Camp Barakel and may we all learn to number our days.