Kevin A. Pierpont Higgins Lake Baptist Church 11/21/04 Last week we talked about rejoicing in the Lord. We learned that for the Christian, rejoicing is commanded. If you are a Christian, part of the package is that you rejoice in the Lord. It’s not that you must bounce happily through life as if there’s not […]
Rejoice in the Lord – Philippians 3:1
Sometimes I wonder if most Christians really know how to rejoice in the Lord. Really rejoice in all circumstances—good and bad.
Epaphroditus’ Sacrificial Service – Philippians 2:25-30
In previous studies in the second chapter of Philippians we’ve learned that if we are Christians we are to be bright lights that shine in the darkness of the world around us and we are to do so without complaining and arguing—we are to work out our salvation—that is we are to live out our […]
Timothy’s Example – Philippians 2:19-24
James McConkey, author of The Threefold Secret of the Holy Spirit, used to tell this story. Into the life of my brother came this experience. The winter was ending. The ice in our native river was breaking up. A few miles above our home was a small town at which an immense ice jam had […]
Joyful Sacrifice – Philippians 2:17-18
You may recall from our previous studies that we’ve seen how there is to be unity among believers. And in many ways this unity is achieved through humility. Key qualities for the follower of Christ are humility and concern for others. That’s what we’ve been seeing throughout the second chapter of Philippians.
Shine Like Bright Lights – Philippians 2:14-16
I brought these flashlights and lights this morning as an object lesson. I’d kind of like to compare you folks to these flashlights and lights.