Unity has always been a necessity for God’s people. Unity has also always been a challenge for God’s people. Why? Because we’re always facing change. And we don’t always like change. And sometimes we react to things we don’t like with sinful attitudes, words or actions. But unity in the church is a necessity. We […]
Suffering: The Gift You Did Not Want – Philippians 1:28-30
Suffer — you’ll likely never meet a person that likes that word. We don’t make much room for that word in our vocabulary. Lives free of trouble and pain — that’s the plan. We’re pretty good at doing all we can to avoid suffering. But the Bible will help us learn that suffering for the […]
Worthy of The Gospel of Christ – Philippians 1:27
Believers in Jesus Christ have a high calling, and that high calling should affect the way we live our lives. That is the charge Paul had given the Philippian believers, and God is giving us from His Word here in Philippans 1; to make certain the way we live is worthy of the gospel of […]
An Eternal Perspective – Philippians 1:22-26
What do you do when you must choose between two good things? It’s not easy to make a decision when faced with two good options. In the text of Philippians 1:22-26 we see that Paul found himself in a situation where, if the choice were left to him, he would have had a difficult time […]
Living For Christ – Philippians 1:21
What drives you? What consumes your time and energy? On what do you spend money? What do you talk about the most? How would others who know you well characterize you? What do you think gives your life meaning? The instruction God is giving us from the Bible in Philippians 1, seen in the life […]
Joyful Confidence – Philippians 1:20
As God’s people, as God’s church, we are to glorify God. We’re not here to promote ourselves. Everything we do as individual believers and as a church should be with the aim of magnifying Christ — making Him known. And the Lord helps us do that with joyful confidence. Listen now to this message from […]