James demonstrates in the example of Elijah that genuine faith, vibrant, growing faith, proves itself in the persistent, persevering prayer of faith. And we learn from Elijah’s example that when God’s people, fervently with faith, and according to God’s will, God hears and answers their prayers. Listen now to this sermon audio… http://archive.org/download/FaithWorks-James516b-18/07-07-2013am-James5_16b-18-kap.mp3 Series: James […]
The Prayer of Faith – James 5:13-16
How do you consider your trials? How do you look at your difficulties? That is a test of a living faith — what do you do with them? And James shows us that when believers face trials and troubles — any kind of suffering — God intends for them to pray. Listen now to this […]
Always Speaking the Truth – James 5:12
How committed are you to telling the truth? How serious are you about being careful you aren’t shading the facts and taking artistic license with the truth? If you are a follower of Christ God calls you to place the highest of priorities on being truthful in all you say and do. Listen now to […]
Steadfast And Blessed – James 5:10-11
How do I learn to practice patience when I’m being mistreated and wronged as a follower of Christ? James has answers for us here. Listen now to this sermon audio… http://archive.org/download/ConsiderThoseBlessedWhoRemainedSteadfast-James510-11/06-02-2013am-James5_10-11-kap.mp3 Series: James Date: June 2, 2013 Speaker: Kevin A. Pierpont Download MP3
The Believer’s Attitude When Mistreated – James 5:7-9
Have you ever felt like you’ve been misrepresented, falsely accused or harmed in some other way because you are a follower of Christ? Maybe you believe you’ve been spoken poorly of for being a Christian? How are believers to respond when this happens? Listen now to this sermon audio… http://archive.org/download/TheBelieversAttitudeWhenMistreated-James57-9/05-26-2013am-James5_7-9-kap.mp3 Series: James Date: May 26, […]
The Believer’s Attitude In Prayer
Bringing the wrong attitude to your praying can be crippling to your spiritual life. The proper attitude in the Christian life is so essential. And with faithful and faith-filled prayer being an absolute necessity for a healthy and growing Christian life, the proper attitude in prayer is also essential. Listen now to this sermon from […]