Why is unity in the church so important? Listen to this sermon from May 13, 2012. So That The World May Know – John 17:20-23 Speaker: Kevin A. Pierpont Download MP3 http://archive.org/download/SoThatTheWorldMayKnow/05-13-2012am-john-17_20-23-kap.mp3 Photo by: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Creative Commons)
I Have Sent Them Into the World – John 17:14-19
How can Christians live in this world with confidence and joy even in the midst of trials and difficulties? Listen to this sermon from May 6, 2012. I Have Sent Them Into the World – John 17:14-19 Speaker: Kevin A. Pierpont Download MP3 http://archive.org/download/IHaveSentThemIntoTheWorld/05-06-2012am-john-17_14-19-kap.mp3 Photo by: Jerry Ferguson (Creative Commons)
Keep Them In Your Name – John 17:11-13
Were the disciples better off when Jesus was with them? Would they be worse off after Jesus was crucified? Are we worse off because we don’t have Jesus with us as the disciples did for a time? Are we somehow less cared for by God than they were? Would it have been better for us […]
All Mine Are Yours, and Yours Are Mine – John 17:9-10
Isn’t it encouraging when someone tells you they are praying for you? I’ve had individuals tell me that they are praying for me and it is great encouragement to know that there are those who faithfully pray. It’s encouraging isn’t it when you’re facing a hardship or difficulty to know there are people who are […]
They Have Kept Your Word – John 17:6-9
Are you always faithful to the Lord? Do you always have faith in God’s promises and never doubt? Do ever make it through a day without sin? Are you always completely obedient to the Lord in every way? And you say, “Well, thanks for the encouragement, thanks for reminding me that I’m not the follower […]
The Joyful Prayer of Jesus – John 17:1-5
As we enter chapter 17 of John’s Gospel we come to what has been called the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus. It is a great prayer — a wonderful prayer of our Lord’s. It is in fact the longest prayer of Christ’s we have recorded for us in God’s Word.