For a few weeks now we’ve been examining the teaching of Christ to the disciples and we’ve noted often their confusion and failure to understand all that Christ taught them. We arrive at the closing verses of chapter 16 today and with them we find encouraging promises from Christ given to His disciples and given […]
No One Can Steal Your Joy – John 16:16-24
I have some good news and I have some bad news. Which would you like to hear first? Good news and bad news. Don’t you love it when someone says that? A look at the text here in John 16 reveals that Jesus has some good news and some bad news. Let’s look and see […]
How Does God Convict the World? – John 16:8-15
We heard last week here in John 16 of the warning Jesus gave His disciples, that they would be persecuted and some of them even put to death for following Christ and preaching the Gospel. And he had told them these things so that when it all happened they would not be shocked or dismayed […]
Have You Counted the Cost of Following Christ? – John 16:1-7
Have you ever considered what it could cost you to wholeheartedly follow Christ? On the morning of July 15th 1555 at 9am, two men were led to their execution at London’s Smithfield in the reign of “bloody Queen Mary”. They were condemned to be burnt alive as heretics. One was a young man of 19 […]
Is Persecution a Personal Offense? – John 15:21-27
Should you take persecution personally? When persecuted and ridiculed because you are living an obedient and God glorifying life, should you consider that persecution a personal offense? We saw last week that Jesus made clear that for all who keep His commandments there will be persecution in this world.
You Will Be Persecuted, So Love One Another – John 15:17-21
If you are a faithful Christian you will be persecuted. You’ve heard this before. But have you ever been told that because of persecution that will come you ought to be loving one another?