The wickedness of humanity unchecked can reach surprising extremes. But there is hope and his name is Jesus. Listen now to this sermon from the June 5, 2011 AM Service at Higgins Lake Baptist Church. Shown Many Good Works – John 10:31-42 Speaker: Kevin A. Pierpont Download MP3 (Right click, Save As)
My Sheep – John 10:19-30
Do you ever find yourself discouraged when trying to point a friend or family member to Christ and they resist? You aren’t alone. Jesus was also resisted. Listen now to this sermon from the May 29, 2011 AM Service at Higgins Lake Baptist Church. My Sheep – John 10:19-30 Speaker: Kevin A. Pierpont Download […]
One Flock, One Shepherd – John 10:16-18
Jesus knows those whom the Father has given him. God is drawing them and calling them by name and they will hear his voice and recognize Jesus as Savior and believe in Him. That’s an encouragement as we share the Gospel. There are people God is calling to himself. Listen now to this sermon from […]
I Am The Good Shepherd – John 10:11-15
Jesus’ deep love for all those the Father has given him, his deep love and care for them is made clear in that he is the good shepherd who willingly, voluntarily, lays down his life for the sheep. Listen now to this sermon from the May 15, 2011 AM Service at Higgins Lake Baptist Church. […]
I Am The Door – John 10:1-10
The Bible calls Jesus by many titles. In John 10 we hear Jesus call himself the door. What does it mean for us that Jesus is the door? Listen now to this sermon from the May 8, 2011 AM Service at Higgins Lake Baptist Church. I Am The Door – John 10:1-10 Speaker: Kevin A. […]
The Difference Between Seeing and Believing – John 9:35-41
We say seeing is believing. But seeing isn’t always believing. So what is the difference between seeing and really believing? Listen now to this sermon from the May 1, 2011 AM Service at Higgins Lake Baptist Church. The Difference Between Seeing and Believing – John 9:35-41 Speaker: Kevin A. Pierpont Download MP3 (Right click, […]