My stomach had been growling and I remembered a small bag of sunflower seeds I had placed in a nearby cabinet. Grabbing the bag I decided to temper the hunger pangs with a handful of seeds. I immediately noticed they tasted like cleanser. I quickly spit out what was in my mouth and threw away […]
Grow Up in Christ – Colossians 2:6-7
June 17, 2007 – AM Service Grow Up in Christ – Colossians 2:6-7 Pastor Kevin | Higgins Lake Baptist Church Download MP3
Luke and Jake have fun at camp
We dropped off Luke and Jacob for a week of camp yesterday and stayed for lunch. They’ll have a great week.
A great father’s day
This is the best father’s day gift I could receive today. Click the image for full size on Luke’s site.
RSS in plain english video
This 3.5 minute video is just what you need if you are clueless about “RSS” or “feeds” — RSS in Plain English. Watch the video on Youtube…
What’s with Mars Hill?
James MacDonald explains why a misinterpretation and misapplication of Acts 17 has some churches leaving the Gospel “back stage” in his piece, Mars Hill and Postmodern Evangelism.
Do you have the gift of discernment?
Have you ever heard someone state that they have the gift of discernment? I always cringe just a little when I hear someone say that. Shouldn’t all believers be discerning? Shouldn’t all believers be people of the Word in which God has revealed all truth to His people who are empowered by the Holy Spirit […]
What is your passion? – Colossians 2:1-5
June 3, 2007 – AM Service What is your passion? – Colossians 2:1-5 Pastor Kevin | Higgins Lake Baptist Church Download MP3