Early blockbuster: Buckeyes vs. ‘Horns Ohio State vs. Texas would be a big game any time, any year. Plop it in early September, make it No. 1 vs. No. 2, and mix in that Texas beat the Buckeyes on the way to the national championship last season and you’ve got one big-time early fall blockbuster.
Raising Kids for True Greatness
Reading… Raising Kids for True Greatness: Redefine Success for You and Your Child by Tim Kimmel
The woodpile
Since Carolyn mentioned the woodpile earlier today, I figured a picture would be in order. And many thanks to the wood crew from church who helped provide for a warm winter for our family.
eBible.com live
eBible.com has gone live today. You could call eBible.com the Web 2.0 of online bibles.
The minister, his preaching and prayer
From Power Through Prayer by Edward M. Bounds, chapter 4, Tendencies to be Avoided. It is impossible for the preacher to keep his spirit in harmony with the divine nature of his high calling without much prayer. That the preacher by dint of duty and laborious fidelity to the work and routine of the ministry […]
Why do we need better Bible translations?
Frank Turk takes on the TNIV debate–Who’s afraid of TNIV?
What does that verse mean to you?
Pulpit Magazine’s blog has moved to my favorite blogging software, WordPress, and today posts an important piece on interpreting scripture. What Does This Verse Mean “to Me”? The nucleus of all that is truly practical is sown up in the teaching of Scripture. We don’t make the Bible relevant; it is inherently so, simply because […]
How to be a responsible Christian blogger
Wondering what it takes to be a Christ-honoring Christian blogger? Blog Responsibly at Boundless Webzine will give you good insight into what it means to be a real Christian blogger. source: Tim Challies