Reading… Five Leading Reformers: Lives at a Watershed of History By Christopher Catherwood
Vacation slides
Remember the slide show? You know, the one your dad would show of all the pictures from your vacation he took with the Kodak Instamatic? Well these days it’s even easier to bore your friends and loved ones with all your vacation photos. With the digital camera we were actually able to take 373 photos […]
Worship God Live CD Review
I’m no musician but I do love music. And I’ve been known to sing along with music I really like–much to the irritation of my wife and children I’m sure. As a pastor–and often the worship leader in our services–I’m always on the lookout for God exalting music. Recently I was given the opportunity to […]
God’s way, not mine
Lord, what thou wilt, where thou wilt, and when thou wilt. Last words of Richard Baxter from R. Kent Hughs book, James: Faith That Works.
New Testament Hyper-Concordance in ESV
For you Bible students there’s a great New Testament Hyper-concordance available in the English Standard Version. Well worth checking out and bookmarking for your study of the Word. (via the ESV Bible Blog)
The Discipline of Grace
Reading… The Discipline of Grace: God’s Role and Our Role in the Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges, author of The Pursuit of Holiness
The Truth About Da Vinci
Westminster Theological Seminary’s response to The Da Vinci Code book and the movie to arrive on May 19 is a well done and informative website,
Living the Cross Centered Life