Sadly, divorce is now a reason to party.
The Emerging Church: Emerging from What to Where?
The Baptist Bulletin Online shares an article dealing with the emergent church. The answer to the veiling of people’s hearts is regeneration—not an adaptation of the message to pander to a culture that denies absolutes and embraces contradiction, but the unambiguous preaching of that message in the power of God, resulting in a lifting of […]
Link Spots – 10/12/05
Less as a competitive advantage–I think some of us “small church” guys could find some wisdom here Electronic Newsletters are Dead! Measure those stats–Measure Map is looking good Remember the Milk–another online task list inquisitor–instant search results, slick The new iPod out today–with video Commas before ‘and’ or not? Finally cleared up for me–Serial commas […]
Book preview–Humility: True Greatness
I’m privileged to have had access to an advanced copy of C. J. Mahaney‘s latest book, Humility: True Greatness and have been asked to review it here. This was a convicting, and thankfully, encouraging read. I feel like I’ve been given a thorough understanding of my own deep-seated pride and then carefully led by example […]
Little Brevort Lake
.flickr-photo { border: solid 1px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } We’ve been a bit too busy to check out the autumn colors just yet, so we took the day off and the family all headed to the Upper Peninsula to the […]
Suffering and the Sovereignty of God resources
Tim Challies and Doug McHone have done a great job live-blogging the Desiring God 2005 National Conference. We’ve been working through Philip Yancey’s book Where Is God When It Hurts? in our adult Sunday School recently so the theme for the Desiring God 2005 National Conference, Suffering and the Sovereignty of God, moves right along […]
Link Spots – 10/8/05
6 Easy Steps to Grow a Blog Tips for Driving Traffic to Your Blog Tag, You’re It Tips From Top Taggers Tagyu – “Tell him what you’re talking about and he’ll tell you what tags you might want to use” Fasterfox – “Performance and network tweaks for Firefox”
Desiring God National Conference being live-blogged
Tim Challies and Doug McHone will be live-blogging the Desiring God 2005 National Conference–keep an eye on their blogs over the weekend for updates–and hey, guys, say hello to John Piper for me.