I’ve really been enjoying the Daily Light RSS feed that’s available in the English Standard Version. I love the story behind how these passages were collected. Here’s a sample of the collection of scriptures from this mornings selection. Morning He . . . teaches the humble his way. “Blessed are the meek.” Again I saw […]
Autumn apples
The smell of autumn is in the air in northern Michigan. One of my favorite things about fall are the apples. I love apples, apple cider and apple pie. You’ll never catch me turning them down. My wife loves me–I know because she brought home a gallon of cider this week. In honor of the […]
the Sermon Podcast
We’ve been providing sermon audio of my messages on the HigginsLakeBaptistChurch.com website for a couple of years now but we’ve just started providing it in podcast form with it’s own RSS feed–check it out.
Link Spots – 10/5/05
elfURL–makes huge URLs shorter, provides free stats and tags GmailThis! send a Gmail email without visiting the Gmail site Is GCalendar next from Google? I hope so. Tagging can increase your readership!
Do we pray in private?
From the Sharper Iron, Andrew Henderson has posted Disciplines of a Devoted Prayer Life: Matthew 6:5-8, Part Two. He points to what I think is one of the biggest problems with prayer most believers face today. If we spend more time praying in public (church, prayer meeting, Bible studies, etc.) than we do praying in […]
Al Mohler about Harriet Miers
Al Mohler points to Two Key Articles on Harriet Miers and shares worthwhile thoughts–What Should We Think of Harriet Miers?
Short and to the point
Steve Rubel asks if short, high value blog posts are better than long, in-depth posts. If your feed reader is full of feeds like mine you might agree with me that short is good.
Harriet Miers–her pastor’s view
This from World Magazine’s blog on Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers… I talked yesterday with Miers’ pastor, Ron Key, who for 33 years (until a few weeks ago) was pastor of Valley View Christian Church in Dallas. “She started coming to church in 1980. She helped out with kids, made coffee, furnished donuts, served on […]