Kevin—my oldest son—and I were traveling today—I had an appointment for a root canal. It was a bright and beautiful sunny Friday afternoon with temperatures in the 40’s—not bad for northern Michigan in early February. Our car was filthy from the road grime of recent wintry weather. Every time we got in the car we […]
Follow My Example – Philippians 3:17
We’ll be looking in a moment at Philippians 3:17, but I’d like to look first for a moment at 1 John 2:6. He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.
Pressing On – Philippians 3:12-16
This is an amusing story from the Christian Reader. My five-year-old grandnephew was obviously worried as he looked down the long aisle of the church where his aunt was to be married the following day. His grandmother had an idea. "I think I'll give a prize to the person who does the best job tomorrow," […]
Righteousness From God by Faith – Philippians 3:9-11
Kevin A. Pierpont Higgins Lake Baptist Church 01/09/05 During the month of December we took a break from our study in Philippians so we could focus on the birth of Christ. Today I’d like to return to our study in Philippians and we’ll be looking at Philippians 3:9-11.
Journaling as spiritual discipline
I’m surveying the ground that is 2005 and I see a vast field of opportunity ahead for spiritual progress. Making spiritual progress in the year ahead for most of us will take a measure of spiritual discipline. One practice I believe can be a spiritual discipline I’d like to make a part of my life […]
The Incarnation of Christ – John 1:14-18
Yesterday we celebrated Christmas. This morning with Christmas still fresh in our minds, I’d like to reflect on the wonder of the incarnation of Christ. Incarnation is the doctrine that the Son of God became human flesh. He was fully God and fully human. It’s amazing to stop and think about it. It goes beyond […]
First Day of Winter
.flickr-photo { border: solid 1px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } First Day of Winter The snow is already deep on this first day of winter. The children have been working on some serious forts over the past couple of weeks. Photo […]
Receiving Jesus – John 1:9-13
Kevin A. Pierpont Higgins Lake Baptist Church 12/19/04 In December 1903, after many attempts, the Wright brothers were successful in getting their “flying machine” off the ground. Thrilled, they telegraphed this message to their sister Katherine: “We have actually flown 120 feet. Will be home for Christmas.” Katherine hurried to the editor of the local […]