I had just come home with my family from a great weekend of fellowship with other believers. It had been a great time of spiritual refreshment. That’s when I got an email that contained some unwelcome news. My spirit of joy was almost completely gone. I was quickly discouraged about the news I had just […]
Loving God, Loving People – Part 7, Love at Home – Colossians 3:18-21
Kevin A. Pierpont Higgins Lake Baptist Church 5/9/04 A mother put her son to bed on the eve of his fifth birthday. She was trying to communicate that birthday idea to him. “John,” she said, “this is the last night of your fourth year. Do you understand that?” John was ready to communicate with his […]
Daddy talked to me
I was working on my to-do list and I heard Zachary tell one of the other children, “Daddy threw my blanket away.” He was right. A few days earlier I had one of the older boys take the blanket to the trash. That sounds pretty cruel but you wouldn’t think so if you had seen […]
Loving God, Loving People – Part 6, What Is Love – 1 Corinthians 13:1-8
Kevin A. Pierpont Higgins Lake Baptist Church 5/2/04 Last weekend Carolyn and I had the privilege of attending a parenting conference and it was refreshing to hear solid Biblical principles explained that help us in our role as parents. The main speaker at the conference is a former pastor and also served as the state […]
How’s your connection to the Foundation?
A couple of weeks ago we had some really tough winds up here in the North Country. The next day we traveled to a nearby town and on our way by an oil change shop we saw lying on the ground, just a few feet from the building, a huge sign. One of those monstrous […]
Loving God, Loving People – Part 5, Who Is My Neighbor – Luke 10:25-37
Kevin A. Pierpont Higgins Lake Baptist Church 4/25/04 Catherine Booth was the “mother” of the Salvation Army. “Wherever Catherine Booth went,” said G. Campbell Morgan, “humanity went to hear her. Princes and peeresses merged with paupers and prostitutes.” One night, Morgan shared in a meeting with Mrs. Booth; and a great crowd of “publicans and […]
Loving God, Loving People, Part 4 – Loving Yourself – Matthew 22:34-40
You’ve heard the saying, “in order to love others you first have to love yourself.” We’re often told that we need to “look out for number one.” We’re bombarded with messages from our society that you have to put our own interests first. Advertising campaigns are driven by the message that you ought to put […]
Good neighbors
One warm evening last summer our neighbor called to ask if everything was all right. Carolyn had just left the house to go to town for a few minutes and had taken a couple of the children with her. Evidently, our neighbors were a bit concerned that Carolyn might have been taking one of the […]