A couple of weeks ago we began a series of studies based on Matthew 22:34-40. We’re calling this series, “Loving God, Loving People.” Let’s look again briefly at the scripture that is the basis for this series.
Loving God, Loving People, Part 2 – Matthew 22:34-40
Kevin A. Pierpont Higgins Lake Baptist Church 3/28/04 Richard Wurmbrand, who spent fourteen years suffering in a Communist prison, recalled the following true story: “A Christian was sentenced to death. Before being executed, he was allowed to see his wife. His last words to his wife were, ‘You must know that I die loving those […]
Could I have your attention please?
Last Sunday afternoon I was reviewing my notes one last time for Sunday night’s sermon and as I sat staring at the computer screen Josiah—he’s about 19 months old—toddled up to my side.
Worthy of His Trust
Guest post By Carolyn Pierpont On a recent shopping trip, I was perusing the card selection trying to find the perfect card for my husband’s birthday. What I found were many cards that were meant to be light-hearted and funny but struck me as just the opposite. I didn’t want a card that was funny […]
Loving God, Loving People, Part 1 – Matthew 22:34-40
Kevin A. Pierpont Higgins Lake Baptist Church 3/21/04 We’re beginning a new series of studies today called “Loving God, Loving People.” We’re going to discover that real Christianity drives a believer to love God with everything—with his whole life. An understanding of Matthew 22:34-40 will help us see that at the root of our effectiveness […]
Guard The Truth – 1 Timothy 6:20-21
“A story is told of a man who, resisting the cost of oats he fed his mule, decided to gradually substitute sawdust in its diet. Everything went fine for a while but by the time the mule was satisfied with sawdust, he died. The same is true spiritually. The changeover from truth to error is […]
Generous Living—Truly Living – 1 Timothy 6:18-19
I’d like to return for a moment to a question I’ve asked you already in our study of 1 Timothy. Have you ever wondered what you would do if you suddenly became very wealthy and had more money than you knew what to do with? I think a good indicator of what any one of […]
It’s who you know
They say “it’s who you know.” A few weeks ago my family and I were standing in the lobby of the Character Inn. There were about a hundred other people waiting like we were to check-in and take our things to our rooms. Groups of people and families were standing everywhere with their piles of […]