As I write this it’s snowing outside. No surprise for northern Michigan. Early and frequent snow is one of the things our family enjoys about living in the North Country. Though you may think otherwise, it doesn’t always snow here. When it’s not snowing you might find us enjoying Higgins Lake or raking leaves. Sounds […]
Care of Biblical Leadership – 1 Timothy 5:17-25
The past couple of weeks we have examined the proper treatment of widows in the church. This week we will be looking at 1 Timothy 5:17-25 and considering Paul’s instruction to Timothy concerning those who lead the church – the NKJV calls those leaders the elders – we call them pastors.
A God honoring life
We had a wonderful day at Higgins Lake Baptist today. The worship was good. The fellowship was sweet. The meal this afternoon was delicious. This note is a bit early because by Monday afternoon we will be on the road beginning a trip to Newark, Ohio. My grandmother Pierpont went home to be with the […]
Instruction for the Care Of Widows, Part 2 – 1 Timothy 5:11-16
1 Timothy 5:11-16 Last week in our study of 1 Timothy 5:3-10, we examined our responsibilities as families and church members to care for older widows in the church. We learned that first of all it is the responsibility of children and grandchildren to care for older widows in the family. In a case where […]
Instruction for the Care of Widows – 1 Timothy 5:3-10
1 Timothy 5:3-10 Last week we considered how we ought to treat one another in the church. We examined how Paul instructed Timothy in the treatment of older and younger men and women. Today we will be considering the instruction to Timothy concerning the care of a very specific group of women — widows. All […]
Living in God’s Family – 1 Timothy 5:1-2
Higgins Lake Baptist Church Kevin A. Pierpont 11-9-03 In his book, The Purpose Driven Church, Rick Warren makes a very simple yet profound statement. He says this; “People are not looking for a friendly church as much as they are looking for friends.” 1
A week ago today Carolyn, the children and I and were on our way to beautiful Lake Ann Camp for the annual conference of the Michigan Association of Regular Baptist Churches. We all traveled to the Traverse City area for the conference last Monday and then little Kevin (who’s not so little any more), Taylor […]
Know, Preach, Teach the Word – 1 Timothy 4:13-16
In our home right now Zachary is discovering that he can repeat just about anything he hears. He’s learning how to speak and form words for himself. He’s two going on three. He doesn’t come up with too much original thought but he sure repeats well.