Our foundation for unity in the church is Jesus himself. As we look to Jesus and His Word we’ll learn that for unity to grow and thrive in the church we need to pursue love and truth. Follow along as we look at how the Bible teaches us to do this. https://archive.org/download/CBC20210509/2021-05-09-unity.mp3 Download
Glory In Christ Jesus – Philippians 3:2-3
Believers in Jesus put no confidence in the flesh. We can put no confidence in what we bring to the gift of salvation through faith in Christ alone. As we look at Philippians 3:2-3 we’ll hear a clear warning and we’ll see three identifying characteristics of true believers in Jesus. https://archive.org/download/CBC20210509/24-Philippians-3-2-3.mp3 Download
The Church and Unity – The Need of Unity
Division in the church is dangerous. Jesus prayed for the unity of His followers. The Spirit moved Paul to plead with the church to be unified. What else does God’s Word say that helps us understand why the church must work toward unity and why it is so needful for us as Christ’s followers? Follow […]
Rejoice In the Lord – Philippians 3:1
There is a thread of rejoicing in the Lord that weaves throughout the Bible. In Philippians 3:1 we hear Paul calling believers to rejoice in the Lord. In fact, the overarching theme of Philippians is one of joy. Follow along as we examine why rejoicing in the Lord is so important for believers in Jesus. […]
The Church and Unity – The Dangers of Disunity
The Bible teaches that in the church there should be unity. But what does unity in the church look like? What is the basis for unity in the church? In this first sermon in this brief series, we consider what the Bible teaches about the dangers of disunity in the church. https://archive.org/download/20210425cbc/2021-04-25-unity.mp3 Download
Honor Such Men – Philippians 2:25-30
We learn from the courageous example of Epaphroditus in Philippians 2:25-30 what it looks like for a member to serve in the church selflessly for the sake of the Gospel and the glory of God. https://archive.org/download/20210425cbc/22-Philippians-2-25-30.mp3 Download
Spiritual Warfare Series, Part 9 – Weapons for Warfare
Prayer should be the attitude with which we take up the weapons of spiritual warfare and stand firm with our faith firmly fixed on God and His promises. We conclude this series on Spiritual Warfare with the emphasis on prayer. Follow along in Ephesians 6. https://archive.org/download/CBC-2021-04-18/09-Warfare-2021-04-18.mp3 Download
No One Like Him – Philippians 2:19-24
Many Christians have a feeling that following Jesus shouldn’t be painful and costly, but only happy and profitable. So when we face the difficulties of life and the difficulties of taking a stand for Jesus Christ and our legs wobble under the weight of it all, we don’t understand how we are to have joy […]