A word from A.W. Pink on the preacher’s duty of prayer: The preacher’s obligations are not fully discharged when he leaves the pulpit, for he needs to water the Seed which he has sown… [T]he apostles devoted themselves “continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word,” and therein have they left an excellent […]
Download D.A. Carson books
D. A. Carson’s publications have recently been compiled into a comprehensive bibliography by Andy Naselli.
In the book of Revelation don’t ask questions
Evangel Baptist Church, Taylor, Michigan where my brother Ken was Senior Pastor for several years celebrated the church’s 75th anniversary in 2006. Dr. James Grier was one of the former Pastors at Evangel and during the celebration spoke on Revelation 5. During his message he stated something I think is very helpful in addressing the […]
Be Strong, part 4 – 2 Timothy 2:5
Listen to this May 17th sermon from the 2 Timothy series
On the killing of an abortion doctor
I am thankful that the church is responding to the killing of abortion doctor George Tiller with a very clear statement of condemnation. God’s children cannot condone the taking of this man’s life as a response to his willingness to take the lives of unborn children. He was wrong to commit abortions, but there is […]
Be Strong, part 3 – 2 Timothy 2:3-4
Listen to this May 3rd sermon from the 2 Timothy series
Be Strong, part 2 – 2 Timothy 2:2
Listen to this April 26th sermon from the 2 Timothy series
Be Strong – 2 Timothy 2:1
Listen to this April 19th sermon from the 2 Timothy series