Pulpit Magazine recently wrapped up a helpful series evaluating the arguments used to support the King James Only position. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4
Guide to writing well
Joshua Sowin shares A Guide to Writing Well which he “mainly distilled from On Writing Well by William Zinsser and The Elements of Style by Strunk and White.” I read Zinsser’s book about a year ago and loved it. Both books should be close by–along with this guide–for those who write just about anything. From: […]
Mourning a loss — a national title game loss
Since the Buckeyes were playing in the national title game yesterday our family felt it only appropriate to declare yesterday a national holiday. Today we’ve declared a national day of mourning–at least around the Pierpont home. After their loss last night to Florida I had to say “who are you and what have you done […]
Post from Word to WordPress
Great news for those of us who often need to move a Microsoft Word document to the web and wish to retain much of the formatting–and great news for those who wish to move Word documents to a WordPress powered website. blog.dot is a Word document template with an associated DLL for Windows that makes […]
Piper on the supremacy of Christ
Growing rich on the old iron
Reading a Spurgeon biography last night and came on this quote. Spurgeon once commented… “I was reading some time ago,” he said on one occasion, “an article in a newspaper, very much in my praise. It always makes me feel sad–so sad that I could cry–if ever I see anything praising me; it breaks my […]
Bow shooters
It’s been an unusual December for Northern Michigan. In the 40’s today so Kevin Jr. and Taylor stepped out for a little target practice this afternoon. Kevin Jr. – the lefty. Taylor Taylor’s bow. We had a great Church family Christmas party last night with a white elephant gift exchange. Taylor ended up with this […]
Holocaust Denial in Iran
Al Mohler weighs in on the Holocaust Denial in Iran.