I know you all can’t wait to get my pick for Sunday’s Super Bowl. STEELERS it is. Had them picked early in the season–even over the unbeaten Colts. May be just wishful thinking on my part but it seems like its time for the Steelers. We’ll see. No Super Bowl party for us instead of […]
Mark that book
I was just speaking last night to someone at church about highlighting and writing in my own books as I read them. Today I find that Mortimer J. Adler has written a thoughtful piece on why you should. (from Between Two Worlds) Update: Al Mohler shares Some Thoughts on the Reading of Books that mentions […]
Keep preaching
As a pastor I’ve found great encouragement from Charles Spurgeon. Preaching pastors–those who truly wish to preach God’s Word–those who would devote themselves to the work of preaching when it seems the world around them has better ideas for giving direction to the church and reaching the lost than with preaching–should find great encouragement in […]
Here’s a resolution
Don’t Waste Your Life! I read Piper’s book by the same title earlier this year and highly recommend it. Doug McHone suggests that listening to John Piper’s sermon, Boasting Only in the Cross, will “[put] a whole new spin on New Year’s resolutions.” In the message Piper hits on the same theme you’ll find in […]
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas from our family to yours. We had a worship filled service this Christmas morning with our church family. It was great being together. Here’s the tree in our living room today right before we shared presents with the children.
Using del.icio.us effectively
I’ve been using the social bookmark manager del.icio.us for a long time now and don’t know how I’d keep track of my bookmarks as efficiently without it. If you aren’t using del.icio.us yet or aren’t using it much, slackermanager.com has a good piece today on “The Several Habits of Wildly Successful del.icio.us Users“.
Up North
It’s another beautiful day in Northern Michigan. This is one of the many joys of living at Higgins Lake. We’re in a special snow belt–we seem to get a regular coating of the white stuff this time of year.
Deep stuff
We were greeted by some seriously deep snow when we arrived home last night. We’d been in northern Ohio with family for Thanksgiving. We left Thursday morning in the midst of a blizzard and returned Friday night to a pile of the deep stuff. There’s actually a car under that pile to the right of […]