Steve Rubel asks if short, high value blog posts are better than long, in-depth posts. If your feed reader is full of feeds like mine you might agree with me that short is good.
Harriet Miers–her pastor’s view
This from World Magazine’s blog on Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers… I talked yesterday with Miers’ pastor, Ron Key, who for 33 years (until a few weeks ago) was pastor of Valley View Christian Church in Dallas. “She started coming to church in 1980. She helped out with kids, made coffee, furnished donuts, served on […]
Christian bloggers wasting time?
Dan Edelen asks a fair question–“what is accomplished by Christians blogging?” Are Christian bloggers wasting their time? Are lives being changed? Speaking for myself I don’t expect to turn the world to Christ while blogging. But as a pastor I long to see those I minister to wholly devoted to living for Christ. And for […]
Still smiling
Yes–a pastor should try to smile even when things are difficult for him. Since God is in control we’re not limited to our own wisdom and resources in dealing with difficulty. I believe as Tony McCollum does that those in leadership set the tone for the attitude of the church. Leading with a smile and […]
Biblical praying
John Piper on “What the New Testament Church Prayed For” (via Steve Camp)
Grace to You, podcasting
Grace to You with John MacArthur is now podcasting their daily radio program – here’s the link for your favorite feed reader — Bloglines is a good choice. (via: Phil Johnson)
Pastoral thoughts for 9/27/05
On Pastoral Perception The danger of the Sr. Pastorate model of church government is that he will have the tendency to view ministry primarily through his own desires, personality, convictions, and preferences. Before long, his tastes govern the church. This is true even in churches where there is a plurality of elders who help lead. […]
Link notes for 9/27/05
Anyone with a blog wants to increase readership. Here’s a handy resource for helping you learn how to do that by improving your writing—Increase readership with better writing Are you “tagging” yet? If you aren’t, you’re missing out on the huge benefits of using sites like and and those are just two for […]