I’m trying to prepare myself for the use of PowerPoint during our worship services so I found this interview with Rene Shlaepfer intersting. Here are few ideas gleaned from the interview; Keep the slides simple and uncluttered The slides should never be obtrusive, and they should never dictate the substance of the message Don’t settle […]
Clues, Clues, and More Clues
This is part of a great article by Greg Herrick from Bible.org. “Sometimes, no matter how many clues we’re given to the contrary, we still persist in believing an error. In our culture today, no matter how many clues God gives us, we persist in believing He doesn’t exist. We’re absolutely convinced that we’re reading […]
By Kenneth L. Pierpont A summer day stands out in my memory. We were swimming at the community pool in Baltimore, Ohio where my sister Melony, brother-in-law Jim and their family lived at the time. Kyle was five that summer. His cousin Jeremiah was six. Jeremiah is nine months older than Kyle. Jeremiah was born […]
Jailed Iraqi children run free
Should we really have left the inspectors to do their business and let Saddam “disarm” himself? Every story like this one that surfaces is one more reason the Iraqi people needed our help. More than 100 children held in a prison celebrated their freedom as US marines rolled into northeast Baghdad amid chaotic scenes which […]
Have you ever wondered if you were backsliding?
By: Maynard H. Belt — Reprinted with permission O to grace how great a debtor daily I’m constrained to be! Let Thy goodness like a fetter bind my wand’ring heart to Thee. Prone to wander–Lord, I feel it– prone to leave the God I love; Here’s my heart–O take and seal it, seal it for […]
Grin and Bear It
Here’s a bit from a piece Neil Cavuto shared on the air today at the end of his show on Fox News. Some people love to complain and do. But it’s the ones who could really complain and don’t that speak volumes, sometimes, by not speaking at all. Now you must go read the rest […]
April snow showers bring…
What do April snow showers bring? A few weeks ago we were basking in the 50 and 60 degree temperatures of early spring. Today it’s back to winter for us here in northern Michigan with ice, sleet and snow. I love Michigan.
Soldier and journalist latest casualties of war
Conservative journalist and Washington Post writer Michael Kelly is one of the latest casualties of the war. He and an American Soldier were killed in an accident involving their humvee. “Michael Kelly in Iraq” is his latest article contributed to Townhall.com on April 3rd. [via C-Log] This from the Washington Post article; Kelly, the first […]