This artifact is an interesting find and could be some of the earliest archeological evidence of Jesus. This from an article at Biblical Archeology Review; “The James ossuary may be the most important find in the history of New Testament archaeology,” says Hershel Shanks, editor of Biblical Archaeology Review. “It has implications not just for […]
Defending the baby with deadly force
Here’s an interesting development. It’s nice to see a court that will call a fetus a human life worth defending.
Parenting and Discipline
I sure appreciate these words of wisdom about the proper discipline of children. Let me share just part of what Tony has to say on the topic and then go read the piece for yourself. If you wait until your child is two years old to begin holding him to expectations, you will have trained […]
Praying like a leader
How many of us couldn’t use some work on our prayer lives? Having a consistent prayer life can be a struggle for a pastor while being torn between the little fires and the big fires he is called to put out and attend to. It’s all too easy to put off the necessity of prayer […]
Homeless Blogging
This interesting piece at the USA Today site about The Homeless Guy also includes a quote from Jordon Cooper, both fellow bloggers.
A law enforcement moment
This one is a bit late but it’s close to home – geographically. I happen to work in Branch County and having been in law enforcement I kind of feel sorry for the Branch County Sheriffs’s Office. They’ve been getting national attention this week for tipping off the public about a telemarketing scheme by al-Qaeda […]
So they want to Duke it out
Here’s and interesting idea. Looks like Saddam is willing to dual.
DO NOT tell me who won
Well it’s been a few days since I last posted here. What can I say – there are some things more important than blogging. But I thought I better check in so you wouldn’t think I’m not coming back. I am not a morning person but my career forces me out of bed early each […]