Believers in Jesus are to live out their faith all the while knowing that God is also working in them. It’s a powerful truth that will encourage your faith to know that God is working in you as you seek to be faithful to Him. This is the truth we see in Philippians 2:12-13. Listen […]
Christ Exalted – Philippians 2:9-11
Humility is not an attitude we naturally pursue. We would rather seek our own comfort than the comfort of others. We would rather pay attention to our own concerns than pay attention to the concerns of others. But for there to be unity in the church God’s people must be growing in humility. Listen now […]
Model of Humility – Philippians 2:5-8
For unity in the midst of God’s people there must be humility flowing from their hearts, minds and lives. We are called to the same humility that Christ displayed through His life and submissive, obedient sacrifice unto death on a cross. Listen now to this message from Philippians 2:5-8. Passage: Philippians 2:5-8 By: Kevin A. […]
Growing Unity Through Humility – Philippians 2:3-4
Says Paul, Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit. To promote unity in the church we must put off selfishness, as we, put on humility. And we see what that looks like in Philippians 2:3-4: Listen now to this message. Passage: Philippians 2:3-4 By: Kevin A. Pierpont Download MP3
The Call To Unity – Philippians 2:1-2
Unity has always been a necessity for God’s people. Unity has also always been a challenge for God’s people. Why? Because we’re always facing change. And we don’t always like change. And sometimes we react to things we don’t like with sinful attitudes, words or actions. But unity in the church is a necessity. We […]
They Bring The Sky Inside
I hear birds outside the window. Sometimes I wish I could look out from my desk and see the sky. The study I work from has windows made of colored glass. They look nice, but block the view. Thanks to their chirping, the birds bring the sky inside. Birds and birdsong. Two of God’s many […]
Suffering: The Gift You Did Not Want – Philippians 1:28-30
Suffer — you’ll likely never meet a person that likes that word. We don’t make much room for that word in our vocabulary. Lives free of trouble and pain — that’s the plan. We’re pretty good at doing all we can to avoid suffering. But the Bible will help us learn that suffering for the […]
Worthy of The Gospel of Christ – Philippians 1:27
Believers in Jesus Christ have a high calling, and that high calling should affect the way we live our lives. That is the charge Paul had given the Philippian believers, and God is giving us from His Word here in Philippans 1; to make certain the way we live is worthy of the gospel of […]