That title sounds a bit sinister doesn’t it? It makes it sound like crafty, Michigan homeshoolers are deceiving the state. Thanks to Isabel Lyman I found this article at the a little interesting. It notes true enough that many homeschooled students in Michigan go unaccounted for. This quote from the article may seem like […]
Iraqi family risks it all to save American POW
This article at the Marine Corps web site proves we may need to change our opinion about lawyers. According to the article a lawyer from city of An Nasiryah was instrumental in providing the information ncessasary to rescue U.S. Army Private First Class Jessica Lynch.
Boys, keep your head down
I just had to share this bit from Ben Domenech today; The news that Jessica Lynch kept firing until her ammo ran out despite being surrounded and wounded when ambushed by the Iraqis reinforces my opinion that nothing scares an Iraqi soldier like a West Virginia girl with a loaded gun.
No! everything BUT the kitchen sink
There’s not too much humor in this war so you’ve got to take it when you can get it. This AP photo is from‘s Day 10 Photo essay.
Aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln
I appreciate good photography. I’m drawn to wartime photos these days. Go check out the work of photographer Grant M. Haller who has been “embedded” with the crew of the USS Abraham Lincoln, an aircraft carrier currently deployed in the Persian Gulf.
Keeping nonbelievers away from your site
Read this interesting article at to learn several easy ways to keep nonbelievers from visiting your Christian web site. The author took an informal survey of nonbelievers asking them to rate the annoyance level of some of the following on Christian run web sites. Christian-themed backgrounds (crosses, fish, etc.) Commercialism – prominent ads for […]
Good to go
I missed Oliver North’s latest article a few days ago but I’ve finally come to my senses and brought myself up to speed. He shares the following, but you must read the whole thing yourself. Yes, war is dangerous and unpredictable. But don’t believe the cynics and critics who tell you that our young men […]
Enough faith?
by Maynard H. Belt — Reprinted with permission “He….encouraged them all that with purpose of heart they should continue with the Lord.” Acts 11:23 Sometimes I just don’t think that I have enough faith! Yes, you heard me right. Sometimes I just don’t think that I have enough faith….especially when I read Hebrews Chapter 11. […]